the government are the good guys : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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To me the government are the good guys and I know that will make all of you scoff and puke at me. The government has never taken my arms or legs after I go on the attack. Like when I was giving soft attacks pulotti on his face and body. They were literally soft touching but he then said to me “because you attacked me with your right arm, your right arm belongs to me now” and I cried and begged him not to. I begged him “please I was only softly touching you” but pulotti replied back “soft touch or a hard touch, it’s still hitting” and he proceeded to chop off my right arm

Then I softly touched him with my left arm and third arm on my stomach region, as well as my 4th arm on my back. Pulotti then said to me “because you hit me again with your 3 other arms they belonged to me now” and I cried and begged him to not chop them off but he did. I then attacked him with my five legs and he chopped them off as well, as they belonged to him now. I tried and begged him not to do it. The government has never done anything like this to me and they allowed me to devour and eat whoever I wanted in the test labs.

The government never tried to become unpopular during wedding seasons to make weddings cheaper, unlike opolon. Opolon wanted a cheap wedding and he deduced a plan to make a cheap wedding by becoming so unpopular that nobody would want to go to his wedding. So he would only have to have a small cheaper wedding for the handful that do still like him. He started doing atrocious things to people and he became unpopular and as the saying goes “the more unpopular you are, the cheaper the wedding” and he used me to scare people and they didn’t like him anymore. The government have always been interested in me and constantly learning about me.

The government have never been racist towards me and unlike killopi, killopi raised a large following against my race and he spoke out into a crowd one day “the regada race need to leave apart from gatoria, he can stay because he is awesome” and I couldn’t believe they wanted all of us to leave apart from gatoria. Gatoria always got along with you humans and my race hates him. So we killed him. If we all have to go then that means no one gets left behind or they get killed. The government have never done anything like this to us.
