Jennifer : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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The day the senior class voted for superlatives there was no question who would win “best smile”.

Her smile lit up a room, it was like the warm sun…but what about when it got a little too sharp. She only did it when she thought no one was looking, but I had been watching. The edges of her lips went past the gleeful beam and slid into a threatening position.

I watched from the corner of my eye, because I’m terrified for her to find out. That I know…

I know it isn’t Jennifer

The first time I noticed her acting weird was back in October. I was staying late at school to catch up on homework. Outside the classroom I heard Jennifer talking to Andy and Daniel, the boys she babysat.

It sounded as if she was trying to convince them to keep a secret. She said, “it’s okay to lie sometimes, when it is really important” One of the boys protested and said, “my dad told me it’s illegal to keep secrets.” She responded, “not if it’s to keep other people safe.”

Two months later something truly terrible happened. Andy and Daniel went missing.

It was the day after Christmas. The boys decided to take their dog on a walk. The family didn’t know anything was wrong until the dog came home by itself. They immediately called the police, but searches were fruitless.

It’s been four months and the graduation ceremony is tomorrow.

On my walk home from the school it is beginning to get dark. I hear someone giggling in delight, but I’m not sure where it is coming from. “Hey, come here! I want to show you something.” I try to make out the figure waving at me in the dark. That smile, I would recognize it anywhere. My heart immediately starts racing.

“Come look at the fort Andy, Daniel and I built in the woods.” I feel as if I am floating in her direction. I want to turn and run, but I also want to know the truth. As we walk deeper into the woods I hear her say, “We come here everyday to play.” I am about to ask her who does when I see them. Well, I see their clothes which have been forever burned into my mind. Then the smell hits me. I turn away, I feel a searing pain in the back of my head and everything goes black.

The next time I wake up im sitting in a folding chair on the football field. My principal is up on a small stage. He begins to announce names. My classmates around me begin to walk across the stage. The principal calls the next name, “Jennifer.” I look around. My parents are cheering. Their is no way she can be here after last night. I notice my classmates are all looking at me. Realization hits me, I stand, walk across the stage to cheers and accept my diploma.
