Whispers in the Air – Short Horror Story

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Occasionally, I will have difficulties with my microphone not picking up any input from my voice. I know this because when it works properly, my soundbar shows a green light when it does. Yellow if I'm a little loud, and red when I'm yelling. When I'm not using my mic to speak and I'm just leaning back in my chair watching shows, I'll see my soundbar flashing. Most of the time green, which I attribute to my chair making noises when I adjust how I am sitting. However, sometimes I will see a solid color of yellow for a few seconds. Tonight while watching an anime silently, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that my indicator was holding a solid red. To make that color for that length of time, I would have needed to scream directly into the microphone for a minute. I turned on Audacity to see if my microphone was recording any background noise. I pressed record and I stared at that thin blue line. After a minute passed, I was about to close the program when I saw the line change into a blob. I didn't hear anything but I saw that something I didn't do was recorded. I pressed play. From a voice unfamiliar, I heard, "So, you've decided to listen?" Almost instinctively, I closed the program immediately. With a cold sweat, I restarted my computer and put it on safe mode, I figured I had a stupid virus somehow. Normally I'm so careful. All I downloaded yesterday was some french movie about a guy that couldn't get laid. When my computer turned back on, Audacity was the first program to launch. When it did, my mouse icon went directly to record, and it began to pick up a recording immediately as if someone was speaking before the mic even began recording. I just watched the screen, wondering what was being said. After a while it stopped, and I slowly moved my mouse to press play. It was a thousand different voices saying, "Listen to me!". They would only repeat that phrase as various volumes and pitches. I threw my headphones off and dropped them onto my desk. The recording stopped prematurely and another one began. The volume wheel on my soundbar turned all the way to the right. I could hear it speak even with my headphones sprawled on my desk. The last thing I ever heard was its warbled voice saying, "I don't like being ignored."

submitted by /u/venetian_lemon
