Reddit – Dive into anything – Short Horror Story

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[Dr. Benevolus’ log on project Ever Glow]

Day 1: I’m exhilarated to join such a huge and important project. I got my PhD just a few months ago. And now I’m part of a project that will help the entirety of humanity! It is just amazing!

Day 1174: The dyson sphere is finally completed! We (humanity) finally have all the energy we could possibly need. Their will be no poverty and famine anymore! An age of prosperity has begun!

Day 2078: The director wants to use the experimental chemical cladisium to enhance the amount of energy the sun produces. This will likely shorten the lifespan of the sun drastically, but when this becomes a problem humanity likely has left the solar system already.

Day 2163: The sun is burning out to fast and because of that it is also expanding to fast. Because of the cladisium the sun is growing in such a rate that it is like the sun ages 150 million years every month. This is very troubling. The director tries to keep it secret for the outside, what is absolutely not helping the situation. If everybody knows what will happen, we can escape just in time, it is technologically possible.

Day 2301: The director still tries to keep the sun expending a secret, but this logically fails. How can you keep something that fricking everybody can see a secret?! People are starting to panic. Shops are being raided and there are massive protest, many of which are unfortunately no longer peaceful.

Day 2374: We have finally made a chemical that can counter the effects of cladisium. We just need to run a few test and then we can save the solar system.

Day 2375: They have raided our lab facility today. They destroyed our entire lab. I could barely escape to the lesser used part of the facility that contains an extra storage unit and an extra security unit. Luckily you can easily hide it by putting a bookcase in front of it. Unfortunately almost everybody else got captured and murdered by the intruders. They put their corpses in front of the facility’s main entrance. Those monsters! Why are they doing this?! WHY?!

Day 2376: They are still looking for me, but fortunately they haven’t found my hiding spot yet. I could sleep on some unused lab coats and there is also a bathroom and vending machine with food and drinks in this part of the facility.

Day 2395: I ran out of food a few days ago and I survive on cleaned urine now. They are also close to finding me now. I will be dead soon.

Day 2396: They found me. They are shooting me into the sun for working on Project Ever Glow.

Day 2400: The rocket is ready to launch. This will be my final moments.

Day 2405: I’m almost at the sun. Weirdly enough the sun seems to be shrinking. I’m afraid that it will go into a super no [Log corrupted]
