only the ugly can break the trance : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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I went back to the year 1400 and I promised to be back to present day, which is the year of the lord 1500. At the time when I was in the year 1400 I decided to do my work and break the trance when good looking people would just stare at each other. They would stare at each other because they are so attractive and the trance of attraction would stop them from eating, drinking, sleeping and doing other things. If nothing is done to stop attractive people just looking at each other, then they will die. In the year 1400 it was easy to find ugly people to break the trance when good looking people find each other, I would bring the ugly person between the good looking people and it would break the trance.

Then when I arrived back at present day of the year 1500, it wasn’t the present year anymore. The present year was the year 1600 but I thought to myself that I would carry on my good work in the year 1500. I found more good looking people just staring at each other and perishing from starvation, but it was the year 1500 and there were lots of ugly people. I found an ugly person to break the trance when good looking people found each other and can’t stop staring at each other. It was good work that I had done that year.

Then when I arrived at present year 1600, it wasn’t the present year anymore and the year 1700 was now the present year. Not to worry I thought to myself and I would do good work for the year 1600. I found two attractive people just staring at each other and they would eventually die from starvation if nothing could break the trance. Luckily it’s the year 1600 and lots of ugly people around. I found an ugly person and it broke the trance that the two attractive people were under.

Then when I arrived in the year 1700 I was disappointed to find that it wasn’t the present year anymore. The year 1800 was the present year and I thought to myself that I would do some good work in the year 1700. Now people are becoming more attractive and so it was harder to find an ugly person to break the trance of attractive people, when attractive people find each other. I found one though and it saved two attractive people just staring at each other. Then when I arrived in the year 1800 it wasn’t the present year anymore, the year 1900 was now the new present year.

There are more attractive people in the year 1800 and so it was hard to find an ugly person to break the trance of attractive people staring at each other. This was the same in the year 1900, it was super difficult to find an ugly person. Only an ugly person can break the trance.
