No job ever chooses me – Short Horror Story

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Jobs never search for me or pick me and I need a job straight away. I wish that I could just pick a job of my choosing but unfortunately it's the job that chooses you. I have a family to feed and we have been relying on charity. I don't want to rely on charity anymore and I am sick of seeing jobs float by me and pick others instead of me. Like when a builders job chose Yamaha, there were builders clothes and equipments that were floating in the air and they forced themselves onto Yamaha. Yamaha was ungrateful and didn't want the builders job as he wanted to be a computer programmer. Yamaha what an ungrateful fool and he tried taking off the builders clothes but he couldn't as the job chose him.

Then when a bank receptionist job was floating by there was a suit, a calculator and a debiting cheque floating by in the air. I tried shouting at the banking reception job to pick me and it stayed still in the air and was observing me but decided not to have me. It's like my desperation disgusted jobs and when it picked ulahay, I was enraged with jealousy. As the banking receptionist job went towards ulahay, ulahay begged the banking reception job not to come towards him. What an ungrateful prick as I needed a job and no job would pick me, and so I beat ulahay to death and the banking reception job went away.

Then when a taxi driver job was floating in the air, it was a taxi car floating in the air and it was going towards polahay. Polahay was begging the taxi driver job not to come towards him as he had dreams of becoming a businessman and I was so desperate for a job that I murdered polahay and put his blood on my face and wore his clothes. The taxi driver job thought I was polahay and it picked me and I was inside the taxi car. I was able to make some money with polahay in the boot of the car. When his body decomposed too much the taxi driver job knew that I wasn't polahay and went away from me.

Then when a chef job was floating in the air, a chef's uniform and knife were floating in the air toward erahay. Erahay begged the chef job not to come towards him and I was so angry at him for being ungrateful at not wanting the chef job. It's an honour when a job chooses you and so I grabbed erahay and forced him to stay still for the chef job to take him. Then my family were floating in the air towards a man called somaluyay and it was his job to look after my family. He didn't want it but it went to him and I am still here with no job ever choosing me.

submitted by /u/shortstory1
