my attention span has decreased : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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My attention span has really decreased in the last couple of years and I don’t know why or what has happened to me? It’s really starting to irritate me and a couple of weeks ago kronit was beating the crap out of another man called Ralph until he was dead. I couldn’t keep my attention span to watch all of it, while before I could watch kronit murder Ralph no matter how long it was. It was at that moment when I couldn’t watch the whole thing of kronit beating the death of Ralph, and not because I was scared or put off, which started to worry me. Something is wrong with my attention span.

Then Ralph went back to kronit and demanded that he murder him again, and kronit complained that he had murdered him many times now. Ralph is ungrateful and is always demanding more and it’s never enough for him. Kronit was murdering Ralph again and when Ralph was killed, he wanted to be killed again. Ralph is extremely selfish and his demanding nature is starting to get noticed, and I still couldn’t have the attention span to watch Ralph getting murdered by kronit again. I am started to become angry and I want to know why I cannot keep my attention span to keep going for longer.

Then Ralph complained to kronit that he wants to be murdered again and it’s never enough for Ralph. He keeps wanting to be more murdered than before and with each murder by kronit, my attention span cannot last at all anymore. Ralph then shouted at kronit and was blaming him for not murdering him, even though kronit has murdered him many times. Ralph is so ungrateful and he is always hungry for being more murdered, each time kronits murder of Ralph becomes even longer that my attention gets painfully stretched.

My attention span couldn’t last watching a man being eaten by rats or neither could my attention span last watching a man die because he was killed by a snake. I can’t seem to have conversations anymore as I never watch the murders happen from beginning to end. My attention span couldn’t even last watching a man die in fire but at least they were all grateful and not like Ralph. Ralph always wants more and is never satisfied and I wish my attention span would reach it’s normal volume, because I want to be apart of all of this.

One day I want to be the fire that kills somebody, I want to be the rats that kills somebody, I want to be the snake that kills somebody and I want to be kronit that kills somebody. My attention span will let me down.
