If one starts, the others will follow. : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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I entered the morgue expecting to find everything as it should be. No indications of a fight happening. No blood. No zombies…

Who would believe this doctor, yelling about the dead attacking him and trying to bite his arms and legs. “If one starts, the others will follow” he kept saying. Ironically, he was very serious and calm when he said those words in particular.

I still had the report in my hands: John <REDACTED>. “Hospitalized for incoherent and aggresive behaviour. (He) Claims several dead people attacked him when he was working in the morgue. At first he noticed one of them moving in a weird fashion. Thinking some times dead people move, the way muscle contracts even 12 hours after death, he didn’t put much attention to it. But, it didn’t stop there, as (he claims) the dead body opened his eyes and started gazing (at him). After that, he was noticeable very scared and as if the dead person would notice weakness and some kind of deep instinct woke up on him, it started attacking him. Fear soon became horror when the other dead people jumped from their tables and also grabbed him and tried to bite him. He could barely defend himself and run from the place. He points they are slow and have no expressions at all in their faces. Only those big eyes and open mouths.”

I read it once before entering the morgue, just after telling my mates to wait outside. When I reached the hall coming to the main room, where the dead people should be, I found them lying there, on the floor. All together like a big pile of meat. I thought that Jhon shouldn’t be working high, putting these poor souls in the floor only so people would believe him so stupid story. But, then is when I noticed those very big eyes watching me. The dead person on top of the pile. I walked some steps backwards, and exactly as Jhon said, as for some deep instinct, that person crawled very fast to me. The others followed immediately.

“If one starts, the others will follow”. You were right Jhon. You were right. I’m fighting for my life. they biting all my body, Can think of what to do… can’t yell, can’t feel. My mates finally enter the place and shoot those bastards up. I’m a New York detective, and this is just another thursday. we going to eat some hamburguers now. End of report.
