I have always hated losing : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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I have always had a competitive streak. It has resulted in my parents and siblings refusing to include me in family game night. It all stems from an incident where I got annoyed after I lost at Monpoly. I don’t understand why they got so upset as my brother only lost partial vision in his eye.

My husband also loves playing games and we have had numerous arguments after we have played against each other.

We have two four year old sons who are like miniature versions of their father. They have this annoying habit of challenging me to a game of rock, paper, scissors and they would somehow always beat me.

I was getting more and more annoyed with repeatedly losing to them and decided to teach them a lesson. I waited until my husband was away as I didn’t think he would approve.

I ignored my son’s screams of pain and finished my work. My son’s wept silently as I played paper once again and beat them. I knew that paper would beat rock, and that their stumps for arms would always be considered as them playing rock
