How has ‘The Cursed Film’ gone under the radar for so long?? – Short Horror Story

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Seriously, it doesn’t even turn up any results when I Google it! I randomly found it on one of the free streaming services that usually only has cheesy low-budget movies, and let me tell you, I'm glad I decided to watch it on a whim, because it is one of the best horror movies I've ever seen (SPOILERS BELOW).

It opened with a shot of a burning room, all that could be seen was fire and darkness. The cinematography was fantastic at setting the mood, because I got sweaty and uncomfortable right then and there. Then came the demons.

I don't know what the budget for this movie was (like I said, no info online), but man, those things looked realistic. I honestly couldn't tell if they were CGI or practical effects. They didn't look like any movie monster I had ever seen before; the rotting teeth, the sharp horns, the evil, evil eyes that seemed to stare directly at me, even when their back was to the camera. I was legitimately trembling, and nothing had even happened yet.

At that point, a chair appeared in the middle of the flames, and someone with a hood over their head was tied to it, screaming for their life. The demons all pulled out whips, chains, and other methods of torture, and started pounding the life out of the poor bastard. I have to commend the talent of the actors, because I felt every single blow as they rained down upon him, and I could have sworn that blood was dripping down my face. I was almost crying out loud by the time they were done. It's at that moment in the movie that one of the demons ripped off the hood.

I don't know how they did it. Is there some kind of digital technology where they can scan the face of the viewer and deepfake it onto the screen as they’re watching it? That's the only explanation I could think of as I stared into my own beaten, bloody face. One of the demons put its hands on "my" head and twisted, snapping "my" neck. I felt a twinge of pain in real life as the beast looked directly into the camera, breaking the fourth wall, and uttered in a loathsome, inhuman tone, "see you soon"

This movie has stayed with me ever since I watched it. I can't sleep at night, my heart is constantly pounding in my chest, and every time I close my eyes, I see that awful face…

Truly underrated movie! 10/10, would recommend it to anyone that loves a good scare!

submitted by /u/bhatfieldauthor
