Don’t Ever Microwave An Avocado : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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The main thing you should know about me is I like to eat. Well, so do most people, but I like to eat, probably more than most people do. Only, they way I eat, is kind of strange, and it’s probably starting to be a problem. You see, Im not really overweight, I did like to exercise. No, the problem is, when I eat, I tend to forget my manners, and am quite messy. Plus, I like to try the strangest things, the weirder the better. I often get side glances when people see whatever kind of concoction I cooked up for myself. Like, whatever, mind your own business, its not like you’re the one eating it. Anyway, today I was enjoying the meal I prepared for myself. It took a lot of time and effort to make. I took a few bites and thought, about how I could make it even more interesting. I figured out the solution, avocado. Everyone likes avocado right? If you don’t, that’s just embarrassing. Moving on. I wheeled my wheelchair over to the counter, chopped up an avocado, and tasted a slice. So good. Then the idea hit me. How would this taste heated up a bit? Interesting idea, couldn’t hurt to put it in the microwave for a bit, right? Wrong, it was a bad idea. It wasn’t even in there for that long. Only 20 seconds. But that was enough. It happened. The avocado exploded all inside my microwave. Caused a big mess all over the place. Great, just what I needed. Then, that’s when I decided to taste it. It was kind of gross, avocados are supposed to be eaten cold I guess. Definitely not worth the trouble, but never mind that. I cleaned up the mess and threw the avocado away. So much for that. I wheeled myself back over to the table… and went back to eating what used to be my legs.
