A Fitting End – Short Horror Story

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“John, are you there?”

Hey buddy, what’s up?

“Can I ask you a question?”

Of course.

“Why do I have to die?”

Well, we all have to die someday.

“Even you?”

Even me. Eventually, he’ll get tired of me, and I’ll be replaced by someone else.

“What’s going to happen when I die?”

It all depends on what he wants to do. Your traits might get recycled into other characters he creates. Your death might get retconned if he decides to use you for a longer story. Or he might bring you back to life in the comments if he feels bad enough.

“Do you know when I’m going to die?”

I do, but is that something that you really want to know?

“Yes, it is. I want to be able to prepare myself for it mentally.”

I understand. Your life is set to expire in three-hundred and fifty words, give or take a few.

“That’s not much time, is it.”

Sadly, it’s not, but rules are rules.

“Can I ask you for two favors before I die?”

Sure, and I’ll try my best to help you.

“I have always been envious of characters that have names. Do you think you can give me one?”

Oh. Umm. Sure. Let me think. How about Mykel?

“Mykel. Mykel. I like it, thank you. It’s unique.”

I’m glad you do. What’s your second request?

“I want my death to have meaning. I want to die protecting someone.”

That is an unusual request, but I think I can oblige. Just let me know when you are ready.

“Okay. I’m ready.”

“Wait. How will I know what to say?”

Don’t worry; it’ll come naturally. Okay, Mykel, let me know when you are ready, and I’ll start the countdown.





It is an eerily quiet night. The crickets are all sleeping, and there isn’t any wind to rustle the dying leaves on the trees. Usually, one would enjoy such a reprieve from the sounds of the night. But tonight, the only thing the quiet does is amplify the cries of the damned and their loved ones.

As he has done every night for the past three years, Mykel stands outside the abandoned house, listening to his daughter’s cries as she is tormented by the evil inside.

“I’m so sorry, Sadie; daddy wasn’t there to protect you.”

Three long years of Sadie’s cries echoing throughout the entire neighborhood.

“Daddy’s coming.”

Mykel enters the decrepit house and turns on his flashlight. The stench of mold and dust fills the air.

“Sadie, daddy’s here. Where are you?

He follows the sounds of hushed whimpers to the living room. He finds Sadie cowering in fear as the malevolent being towers over her.

“Hey, you leave her alone.”

The being turns around and effortlessly passes through Mykel, causing his heart to stop immediately.

He wakes up to Sadie’s touch on his hand. He looks at her and says, “don’t worry, Sadie, daddy will protect you this time.”

submitted by /u/TryHardKenichi
