Captive Audience : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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  I don’t know how long I’ve been walking. I want to stop. I don’t want to go down this hallway anymore. It never ends. There are no turns. No change in scenery. 
  The hallway isn’t scary. It has clean tiled floor, the type of ceiling found in schools, and mustard colored walls. The only unusual thing is that it’s endless. It goes on forever. I look behind me and see no entrance I could have come from. My legs hurt. 
  I want to go home. I have a family. I have a job. I should be outside playing with my kids, but instead I’m walking through this hallway.
  I see a soft red glow in the distance. I want to run towards it. I want to see this change. Anything but this hallway.  But I can’t, and I don’t know why.
  I get closer to the light. I start to hear laughing. Repeating over and over again. It sounds like a track they use for sitcoms. The sign says “on air”. But I’m not excited by that.  I see a door next to the light. I turn to it. Finally an escape. I don’t care what I find. I just want to stop walking. 
  I turn and enter the door. I see an audience. They’re all laughing. Some are crying. Not a laughing cry where crinkles appear by your eyes. Not that, just tears rolling down their face.

I turn to see why they’re laughing at and see a screen. On the screen is a person on their knees, laughing a broken laugh interrupted by sobs. They’re stabbing someone laying on the ground. Over and over. The person’s body contorts with each stab. I start laughing uncontrollably. Tears cascade down my cheeks. I fall to my knees. I am pulled by something. I don’t know what it is. I feel no hand. Just a pull. I sit in an open seat, joining the others. A slave to the screen. A meer member of the audience. And I laugh. Because this is the funniest thing I have ever seen.
