the sorry count : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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I’m sorry qurbank I’m really really sorry qurbank. Qurbank I’m really sorry and I mean it when I say that I am really sorry qurbank. Actually I am not sorry qurbank and I really mean it when I say that I am not sorry at all. I will never be sorry and I am not sorry at all qurbank. I’m so sorry qurbank and I am truly sorry really and you must believe me how sorry I am qurbank. Qurbank I am so sorry I really am and I am also not sorry qurbank. I am not sorry qurbank and I am sorry that I am not sorry qurbank.

It’s hard keeping things equal because every incident has a certain amount of sorry’s you can say and you cannot say too many or too little sorry’s. You have got to make things equal and I am so sorry qurbank and I am truly sorry. I am so sorry qurbank, I am so sorry qurbank. When I slapped you a couple of weeks ago I was supposed to say 5 sorry’s but I said 6 sorry’s. I said I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank” and then I had to say “I am not sorry qurbank” to take out the last sorry. Then it was equal.

I remember once when I made you famous with snakes qurbank and the snakes loved you so much that when you went into their pit, they started biting you and caused you so much pain so I had to say 10 sorry’s to you qurbank. So I said “I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank” and I didn’t realise that I had said 11 worth’s or otherwise I would said “I am not sorry qurbank” once to equalise it all.

Then as days went by you then owed me a sorry and so you made me famous with crocodiles. The crocodiles loved me so much that they took me deep into the water and ate me. That act towards me wasn’t equal to 1 sorry though and so I owed you 14 sorry’s because you making me famous with crocodiles, made you owe me 15 sorry’s and not 1 sorry which was what we’re supposed to do.

So I made you famous with piranhas and because of that I owed you equally 15 sorrys, “I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank, I am sorry qurbank……..
