Dead End – Short Horror Story

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Tommy drew his gun. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK… Andy was already focused on the door. The gangster duo was always prepared for shit hitting the fan, people running away, sobbing, starting fights, pulling guns, taking hostages… you name it. But this bloodsucking business was the big unknown. It scared the living daylights out of Tommy. He checked his ammo. Five bullets. He slid the mag back in. Click clack. Plus one in the chamber.


“You think bullets will help?” Andy whispered. Muffled laughter made its way inside. “Better than no bullets, right?” Tommy replied.

But Andy was already looking around the hut. What weapon would actually help? Do two pieces of wood forming a cross actually work? Not Andy’s style anyway. He spotted an old chair in the far corner. “Where are you going?” Tommy wanted to know. Andy would never leave him to deal with trouble on his own, but Tommy wasn’t so sure if his partner’s work ethic applied to supernatural beings, too. CRAACK Andy kicked into the chair with full force, slamming his foot down and down again until he separated two legs from the rest.


Tommy pointed his gun at the door. Why didn’t that fanged freak just rip it to shreds, Tommy wondered. “Here, this should help!” Andy passed him one of the chair legs. Tommy inspected his new weapon. The broken off side was splintery and pointy. Perfect! KNOCK KNOCK the door shook heavily with each new KNOCK. Or not.

Andy practiced stabbing moves, ramming his chair leg into the air multiple times until he heard a satisfying WHOOSH. In moments like this Tommy admired his partner, Andy could be cool as ice.

“Open!” came hissing inside. “How about we wait here til the sun comes up?” Andy shouted. “Yeah, how about that?” Tommy threw in for support.


With a crunching BOOOM the door burst into tiny pieces, knocking the two onto their butts. A giant hole now where the door used to be. The vampire pulled his fist back from a punching position straight out of an 80s Karate movie. He stood right outside, a towering figure. The gangsters scuttled backwards on the ground holding their weapons up in defense, but… Nothing. The vampire just waited.

Andy coughed up dust. “You can’t come in. We didn’t invite you.” He started laughing. Tommy looked back and forth between Andy and the fanged guy. Then it dawned on him, the lore worked.

“I have been roaming this land for 227 years. What makes you think I’ve never been here before?” The vampire inquired in a tone that betrayed his dashing young looks. The two stopped smiling.

Just a swift SWOOOSH was all they heard. Suddenly, Tommy witnessed Andy’s severed head toppling to the floor while cold lips embraced his neck.

submitted by /u/samuraibiscuit
