Sick day : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Whenever Ella fell ill as a child, her mom would make sure she made everything as easy as possible for her. She’d be on the couch all day and just watch Disney-movies or read comic books. Her mom would bring her favorite banana pie. She would get cuddled all day. She loved it even if it meant she didn’t feel well. She got all of mommy’s attention for once. 

Now she was a mom herself, she had a baby of her own. Tasha was six years old, a bit small for her age, but had always been healthy. She could play all day long and slept well every night. Ella loved her more than anything else in the world. 

Last month Ella’s mother died, horribly, after a long painful sickbed. She choked on her own tongue one night, so weak had her muscles become. She left Ella nothing but memories of better times. Times she would take care of Ella. Times Ella felt a bond beyond anything she had ever felt before or after. Except with her own beautiful Tasha ofcourse. 

Three days ago Tasha got sick, for the first time in her young life she had a fever, headaches and didn’t want to get up in the morning.

Ella fussed and worried, built a pile of blankets on the couch and made plans to spend the day inside taking care of her precious girl.  She gave her aspirin, held her hair when she threw up and cuddled her to her chest all day.

The next day her precious Tasha was tired from being so sick, but the fever had broken and she managed to keep in some light food. She told her mom and dad she was afraid of dying like grandma, that she was scared of getting sicker and never getting out of bed anymore. Her dad comforted her and she slept through the night once more. 

Yesterday though, after lunch at school, the teachers called Ella to pick her up. She had started throwing up again and was feeling very poorly. She fell asleep in the car home. Ella carried her to the couch and let her sleep in her own lap until her husband came home. 

When she woke up, Tasha started crying for daddy to come to her. When he sat down with his beautiful baby girl and held her close, she put her hand on his cheek and turned his face to hers. He looked into the sickly yellow eyes of his dead mother in law, and in her voice he heard the words: “Don’t let Ella take care of sick people, ever! Check behind the washer in the hall.” 

And so he did. He then picked up Tasha and, carrying the box of rat-poison he had found, ran out of the house. 

Ella killed herself today, apparently. The expression on her face was one of abject fear though. As if she’d seen a ghost.
