Fairytale ending – Short Horror Story

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She feels herself awaken, become aware.

Shoudn't there be more birds?

The birds always sing just for her.

Where are the rabbits?

They always cuddle up to her when she sleeps. She's cold. The cabin doesn't seem to hold warmth anymore.

Where is everyone?

She tries to sit up, but hears an eery tearing sound, a crack. Agony blooms in her back as if the pain is a tulip on the first day of spring. Sudden, without much warning. More pain. Her arms.

Do they even move?

She can't see, can't feel beyond the pain. She tries to call for help, but there's something lodged deep in her throat. More pain, a heavy, wrecking cough.

It dislodges and finally she can open her eyes.

On the floor of a familiar, but suddenly decripit cabin, she lies. Holes in the roof, moss in the windowsill, the kitchen overgrown with vines. No animals though and no growth of anything around where she slept.

Slept? For how long?

What happened to her friends? To her?

Out of the corner of her eye she sees wisps of grey hair where it used to be a luscious black. She tries once more to get up. Feels her wrist breaking under the pressure, sees the brittle bone sticking out of her alabaster skin.

She remembers the dear old lady.

She turns her head, painfully, and sees the bite of shiny red apple she coughed up.

submitted by /u/anyothertimemaybe
