YOU MAY BE ENTITLED TO COMPENSATION : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Hello. We’re seeking individuals who have used Bubbly Bub’s Fresh and Shiny All-Purpose Cleaner and Surface Reinvigorater. If you have purchased this product and have experienced any of the following, you may be entitled to compensation:

Have you suffered from hair loss or skin irritation? Have you been diagnosed with allergic eczema? Have you developed persistent nausea, chronic headaches, or migraines? Have you had any loss of vision, either temporary or permanent?

Within a month of using Bubbly Bub’s Fresh and Shiny All-Purpose Cleaner and Surface Reinvigorater, did you experience nosebleeds or tooth loss? Have you consistently tasted copper? Were you diagnosed with heart murmurs, colon cancer, schizophrenia, or early onset Alzheimer’s?

Do you struggle with insomnia? Do you experience vivid nightmares that sometimes leak into your waking life? Have you woken to find yourself standing in the middle of the street with no memory of leaving your bed? On at least two occasions, have you unconsciously driven your car long distances to a strange, uncanny location?

Has there been any change in the appearances of those around you? Do you struggle to recognize your coworkers or family? Do strangers on the street have too many eyes? Do they stand bent and stiff like mannequins? Do they huddle in crooked clusters, watching your every move?

Are there people following you? One? Two? More? Do they ever approach you? Or do they merely observe from a distance? Can you see their faces? Are they distinct or simply shadowy figures in the horizon? Have they ever tried to hurt you or a loved one? Do they giggle when you shout at them? Do they seem increasingly fast lately?

Has the sun become too loud? Does it make your eyes throb and burn? Do you struggle with the interminable desire to gouge them out?

Do you hear a distant wailing at all hours of the day, begging you for help in a language you don’t recall learning? Do the walls occasionally bleed as the wailing gets louder? Have you experienced stigmata during evenings or weekends?

Has the man who comes to your room at night started smiling at you? Does he stay long past midnight? Does he try to touch your face when you pretend to be asleep?

When you step outside on a windy day, do you feel the cold fingers of the dead wrap around your throat? Can you see that sickly woman on your back, hanging onto you with her spindly arms, like the legs of a spider pulling you in for devouring? Do you feel your life slipping away as her fingertips brush your lips?

How often are you alone? Are you alone right now? Are you sure you’re alone? Then who is that behind you?

If you’ve experienced any of these symptoms after using Bubbly Bub’s Fresh and Shiny All-Purpose Cleaner and Surface Reinvigorater, please contact us to see if you qualify for our ongoing lawsuit.

Act now.

Time is running out.
