Seven Times – Short Horror Story

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I was so young, when they took me.

They injected me with a serum, that not only made it extremely long for me to regenerate, but made it an excruciating process too.

Seven times they gouged out my left eyeball, seven times i grew it back.

Seven times they removed all my nails on my left hand and feet, seven times i had to grow them back.

Seven times they stuck steel pipes through my calves, seven times i grew skin, muscle and bones to patch in the gaping holes.

My regeneration stiffened, from being able to regenerate in a fraction of a second, to taking weeks just for a single cell tissue.

I screamed, I howled, I groaned, I cried. Nobody heard me.

For two years I had to undergo this torture, before they finally found me.

When they did, I was different. My skin had lost the radiant glow it used to have. What was left was ugly, decrepit, mutilated scars. Disgusting blemishes and marks over my skin, black nails, and a bruised left eye from where the cells weren't able to properly regenerate.

All because of jealously. It wasn't my fault I was chosen by a god. It wasn't my fault that I had all these powers bestowed upon me. I could've chosen to give them to anyone else who would've needed them more. It wasn't my choice to have become the next deity of the Half-Realm. It wasn't my choice to have became chosen and have powers beyond that of any human.

I guess the old man was right after all.

Finally giving up hope, I took the cursed knife and stabbed myself at the back of my neck, right where the mark of Helios was at.

And then, just like that, I felt peace.

submitted by /u/uwugjx
