Thrilling MMF Encounters: Craigslist Appreciated!

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I yearn for the thrill of those spontaneous encounters on Craigslist… One Sunday afternoon, I found myself invited to a couple’s place. As I settled onto their inviting sofa, the room was filled with an intoxicating ambiance created by an infinite playlist of Lady Gaga music videos playing on the TV. The setting alone was enough to ignite a fire within. Positioned between the couple, we shed our inhibitions along with our clothes.

The sensation of her lips on my member was incomparable, an exquisite blowjob that soared above any I had experienced before. Lost in a state of ecstasy, her irresistible beauty intensified the pleasure as she devoured me with passion. Slowing down, she teased me, whispering in my ear if he could join. Her request, though unexpected, sent a jolt of excitement through me. In the throes of desire, it felt rude to refuse, and so, surrendering to my insatiable lust, I agreed with a simple, “Sure, why not?”

Without delay, he eagerly joined the decadent scene, his lips and tongue mingling with hers as they pleasured me together. It was a sensory overload, an intoxicating symphony of pleasure that pushed me to the edge. Lost in the throes of passion, I scarcely registered when she moved apart, witnessing the display unfolding before her.

To my surprise, I found myself caught up in the rapture of his skillful mouth, surpassing even that of his partner. The electric sensation of his stubble grazing against my balls introduced a novel and thrilling pleasure. I could no longer contain myself, and with a primal moan, I erupted into his mouth, the intensity reverberating through my entire being.

After a brief moment of recovery, her desire for more took over, and I was more than eager to oblige. Thrusting into her relentlessly, I gripped her ankles and delved deep within her. Every movement was accompanied by the blissful symphony of our wetness colliding, the sound of our passion filling the air. But the surprises didn’t stop there. As I rocked her world, I felt him on my balls, his tantalizing mouth exploring every inch of my sensitive flesh. Meanwhile, his hands firmly gripped my ass, intensifying the pleasure as he ventured even further, tongue-fucking my ass.

Immersed in the pleasure, my moans filled the room, punctuated by exclamations of “Oh fuck, yes!” A symphony of desire and ecstasy reverberated through the space, fueled by our insatiable hunger for pleasure. Time lost all meaning as I unloaded multiple times, unleashing torrents of hot desire over the course of that unforgettable day. And through it all, Lady Gaga’s music provided the perfect backdrop to our insatiable Sunday routine, soothing the hangover horn that often plagued my weekends.
