Thrilling Ménage à Trois: My Wife’s Erotic Encounter with Two Co-workers [Exclusive Sex Story]

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If you’ve been following my previous posts, you’ll know that I’ve been creating a safe space for my wife to explore her sexual desires, even opening the doors for her to engage with other men – no limits, no judgment.

And recently, things have been heating up as she began a new job that instantly attracted the attention of her colleagues. My wife, a stunning Indian beauty in her forties, possesses a petite frame with enticing A cup breasts, an incredible backside, a radiant smile with luscious lips, and long curls that add an extra touch of sexiness. Having been together for a substantial amount of time, it’s become second nature for me to witness men drooling over her exotic physique.

After some time, she finally expressed her desire to indulge in some playful encounters, though she’s taking things slow. She has identified two incredibly attractive guys at her workplace, both of whom she has been flirting with intensely. In addition to the weekly office happy hour, she arranges private happy hours every Tuesday exclusively with these two gentlemen. Over the last few months, she has been sporting outfits that leave little to the imagination, revealing just enough to ignite desire.

Initially, it was just one guy who caught her eye, becoming her favorite. One evening, she came home and excitedly shared about the thrill of pressing her derriere against his hard arousal when nobody was watching. The intensity of the moment escalated as he attempted to take her in his car right then and there! But now, she’s also enticed by another man in her workplace, making things even more intriguing.

My wife adores the allure of DP and MFM scenarios in adult films, with Noe Milk being her absolute favorite – you can discover the link in the comments. Unexpectedly, she surprised her two co-workers by sharing that particular video in their private chat. Since then, their conversations have been centered around the idea of encountering her in every efficient location – be it the office, a bar, or a hotel room. The anticipation is electric!

For me, this is an exhilarating journey we’re embarking on. I maintain unwavering confidence and fully support her exploration of her wild side. Who knows, if things progress, I might even join in for a future unforgettable gangbang.

While we’re uncertain where this adventure will take us, the mere conversation itself has already created an incredible bond between us. Our pillow talk has become an intoxicating blend of fantasies and desires, forging a connection that words can’t adequately describe.
