Our mountain campsite [f/f, cons, over 18, romantic]

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The night was chilly, but not freezing. Our hike had taken us far into the hills and it was a long time before we found a good space to set up the tent. 

I enjoyed watching you sizzle barbecue over our small campfire. The smell of dinner was relaxing but also filled me with anticipation. 

The wide reds and oranges of the setting sun faded slowly, but it still seemed all too quick. Gradually, stars peeped out into the deepening dark. The fire was no longer flickering high by the time the moon rose, but the embers were bright, and their radiation kept us warm, so we just relaxed, sitting on a fallen tree beside the fire and gazed at the bright moon low above the hills.

My arm snuck around you. I almost didn’t even realize I was doing it until it was there. But I felt your arm on my back as well and it comforted me. 

I leaned in slowly at first, simply breathing in your scent. It was soft, a heady mix of your shampoo, the day’s exercise, and your other natural scents. 

I couldn’t help but come closer still. Closer until my nose was pushing through your hair, perhaps touching your earlobe. I hope you enjoyed feeling my breath against your neck. And feeling my fingertips run just above your waistline.

The scent and feelings pushed my mind to overdrive, but I resolved to keep things slow, sensual. Perhaps I could draw your silky hair back from your ear…

My breathing felt too fast and I tried hard to control it. I didn’t want to blow air, but simply to touch your ear with the warm, quiet air that comes from my lips. 

Nothing I could do could prevent those lips from contacting your ear, though. I touched your earlobe faintly between my lips. My heart leapt to hear the pace of your breathing increase as I did so. 

Next, instead of just lips, I wanted you to feel my tongue – just at the edge of your ear, sliding along the surface until I reach the bottom…where I could nibble the softness I found there.

Your breathing quickened, which caused me even more excitement. I quit restraining myself from kissing your neck. First one, then two, three…my kisses worked their way backward until I reached your spine. Then my tongue returned, darting out for quick touches at the back of your neck, lightly, but often. 

Your skin tasted lovely. 

No longer able to restrain my hands, I quickly drew my fingers up into your silky hair to turn your lips to mine. 

One long, unbroken kiss – lips locked together and undulating, eventually opening to allow tongues to meet without breaking the lock between us…

The long moment caused a shudder to run down my spine – the kind that signifies that everything is going so right in the world that your body has trouble believing it. It was a shudder of ecstasy and I certainly hoped to feel more before the night was done.

My fingers twined in your hair but maintained a strong grip to keep you there. It felt so lovely to have your luscious lips entangled with mine. Your motion suggested you felt the same way.

It was hard to break that kiss. The saving grace came from your eyes.

Those deep, dark eyes captured me. Hypnotized me. The pale moonlight reflected off them in the most ideal way. Your gaze held me in place like some supernatural trance until I was nearly ready to burst.

Instead of that, though, I felt your fingers on my shoulder, tugging down the strap of my top. Now it seemed it was my turn to feel your thick lips against my skin. You left heavy, moist kisses on the surface. As you worked your way up from my shoulder to my neck, it seemed as though I could feel the lip-shaped outline of each smooch evaporating into the cold air.

Instinctively, my chin tilted up to give your thick lips access. I let a moan out into the air as you made your way up my throat and toward my chin. Damn, I love how soft those lips are!

We soon found our lips locked together again, of course, but this time I wasn’t frozen. My hands gained minds of their own, quickly finding the base of your shirt and slipping under, against your bare skin. There was a wonderful heat on that skin’s surface.

My hands ran up that warmth, and I felt a lovely shiver as yours began to do the same.

My fingers fought your bra clasp while our tongues fought inside our mouths. Your fingers had no such obstacle. But, of course, you knew that, considering how clearly my bare nipples had been showing below my top. They were now pressing against you as if trying to break through the fabric separating us.

I broke our embrace long enough to remove one layer of that fabric. Your top came up and over your head, seeming to know that its job was finished.

Your unclasped bra dangled between us while you similarly relieved me of my shirt. The dangling bra might be comical if our eyes had even bothered to register it. Instead, it became a mere afterthought, and neither of us ultimately knew when or how it disappeared.

It’s amazing the difference a thin shirt can make. Now, without that encumbrance, your soft breasts felt astoundingly warm. They pressed against my smaller ones with our renewed embrace.

My hands struggled to touch enough of you. I wanted to touch everything, almost to envelop you. My thin frame gave me no such luxury. So, my little hands searched endlessly across your flesh, savoring your warmth.

The next time our lips parted I began working my way back down your neck and below. I think the trail of saliva that my tongue left on you must have felt chilly because I saw goosebumps appear. I had never wondered of goosebumps as sexy before, but they sure were tonight.

My wet lips worked a circle all the way around your left breast. I savored its heft and the way the soft flesh conformed to my own features as I pressed against it. I danced my tongue in a long spiral around that soft mountain, but not yet touching its peak. In the dancing firelight, I could tell your nipples were erect, hard, and waiting. Desperately waiting. The growing tenor of your moans told me the same thing. I knew I was torturing you, but at the same time, those moans were so erotic. I wanted to listen to them forever.

There was no way I could delay forever, though. Your nipples looked so delicious! As soon as I descended upon that high button I felt you thrust your chest against me, as if to reach that nipple as deep in my mouth as feasible. I was happy to receive it, and sucked hard to pull it in, all the while pressing my hands against your back to keep you tight against me.

I hope you know how much I loved the sensation of your fingers in my hair, holding me close while my tongue pirouetted about your peak.

Our bodies undulated and shuddered so much that you slid off the log you’d been sitting on. I’m glad you didn’t scrape your back and our laugh must have been audible far around.

Instead of letting me back down on your nipples, though, you pulled me to your mouth. No teasing spirals this time – you thrust the stiff peaks of my breast into your mouth and sucked strongly. I even felt a few nibbles, you naughty bitch! Don’t worry, though, even though I yelp, I liked it.

Holding your head to my chest with one hand and groping your boob with the other, I let my cries of pleasure escape into the night. I didn’t care if anyone heard. Indeed, even if there were a thousand people watching, I wouldn’t care as long as I could get all of you.

You, meanwhile, were working on my pants. They had, indeed, been on far too long. Your split attention made the belt buckle a little slow to open, but I soon found myself wearing only my panties. The sudden cold contrasting with the radiation from the campfire on my legs made me shiver again. It’s lucky you were there to help hold me up.

And, I realized, while holding me up you were also kissing your way down. Your fingers tugged at the panties just a little so that your tongue could touch my smooth skin just below that waistline. Your teasing was driving me crazy. So wonderful!

The dampness between my legs had been building for hours, but now, with you so close, it doubled. I hope my grip on your hair was not too tight. All I needed in that moment was for those panties to be gone and your tongue to discover its home.

But you are a cruel one sometimes. You just looked up at me with that devilish grin that told me you were going to make me work for that pleasure. I knew that look.

As if to spur me to work, you delivered a quick slap to my ass and I obeyed, spinning a slow pirouette in the firelight. Awkward though I am, I gave you my best sexy stripper dance, undulating my hips, thrusting my chest into your face, bouncing my ass as best I could. Ultimately I turned my little ass toward you, hooked my thumbs on my panties and bent exaggeratedly over as I began to peel them off.

I forced myself to do it slowly. You teased me, I needed to do the same. I knew the thin material was sticking to my sweet spot, so I revealed myself slowly, letting you savor the anticipation. You were close. So close. I could feel each warm breath on my newly-exposed pussy. I thought if you could see my fluids glistening in the moonlight. I knew I was in that moment as moist as I had ever been and in the seconds between your breaths the cold night air chilled my most tender parts. My waiting privates felt open, almost as if ready to reach out and pull you to where I needed you most.

But that job was left to you. I was bent entirely over, my hands and my panties at my ankles when you grabbed me. I felt like everything happened at once – your strong embrace pulling my ass to you and enveloping me so I couldn’t even stand up, and especially your powerful tongue diving deep into my waiting cave in one swift motion.

Once again, if you had not been holding me up, I would have crumpled to the ground. Instead, I seemed to hang in the air while your strong tongue explored the inside of my body and the sensitive nub at my entrance. Your muffled grunts and gasps helped spur my own loud cries. I wanted more of you in me and on me. All else in the world was gone. I had no idea how or when my panties disappeared; they could have gone straight into the fire for all I cared – there was no more use for them. I didn’t recognize how we ended up on the sleeping pad outside the entrance to the tent; I would have been just as happy in a moon crater. All that mattered was your tongue and your touch, which were doing all the right things and more.

I could feel the storm mounting deep within my organs. It would soon burst forth and smother you.

And suddenly, infuriatingly, it all stopped!

I must admit, the moment your tongue disappeared was disorienting. It was as if the most essential part of me was suddenly gone. Once I recovered a small fraction of my wits I saw you standing beside me, silhouetted against the campfire. Backlit as you were, I could not see details, but I could see your hair flowing with the cool breeze, the curve of your breasts amid a background of stars, and your baggy pants that I had thus far neglected to free you from.

That was shameful, and I immediately moved to rectify my error. My hands frantically tore at the belt, the button, the zipper. Where my panty dance for you had been slow, sensual, and teasing, this assault was manic, desperate, and base. My hands would have torn the pants in half if need be.

You appeared just as willing to get them off, and I had a pang of guilt for being so selfish in the past few minutes. I decided the only way I could apologize was to give you the pleasure such a wonderful woman deserved. As I sat on the sleeping pad you lifted your leg over my shoulder and gave me access to the meal I’d been craving. I can’t describe how satisfied I felt to find that your nethers were just as dripping wet as mine.

I savored your wonderful flavor as much as I could, and felt desperate to access more of your pussy. The angle was less than helpful, though, so I maneuvered you down to lay on the pad. Briefly I wanted to soak in the view of your bare body in repose there in the campfire – your smooth legs that looked so ready to wrap around me, your open sex waiting to receive its due, your round tits topped by tight dark points, and of course your soft lips and deep eyes that displayed their hunger for me. I had to dive in.

In this 69 position my tongue could access more of your waiting vulva and you could reach mine. I had been ready to burst earlier – as soon as your tongue returned to my waiting clit my engine began again. I knew it would not take long and I was determined to bring you to the same point.

I swirled my tongue around the clit that was practically standing out waiting for me. I could feel you doing the same to mine, and sucking it with those perfect lips of yours. My fingers grabbed at your butt cheeks and your thighs, ever desperate to take on more of your beautiful flesh. I traced the edges of your labia with my tongue. It was so enjoyable to explore the entrance to your body. As you were well aware, though, I couldn’t help but dip my tongue into that space. Your flavor was so wonderful, and I love the way your body squirmed when I did it.

We were both beyond the point of mere squirming, though. The motion was clearly nearing its climax. The shudders and shivers, squirms and squeals had reached their final rhythm, even as they felt ever more desperate. The gathering warmth and glow that had accumulated in our bodies was ready, and we both knew it.

When the explosion came, it didn’t matter that we knew it was coming. That wonderful cascade, that perfect pinnacle of well-deserved orgasm shook us both in unison. I felt your dripping pussy grip my tongue as the typhoon rippled through your body. I truly hope mine did the same while those waves of pleasure shot through me, practically shaking me senseless.

I don’t know how long we remained there, lips pressed against tender sex, just struggling to regain our breath. When I finally moved my head toward yours you took me in a lovely embrace. The kiss was long, slow, true. The cool breeze brushed our naked skin and we drank in the simultaneous shiver of exposed goosebumps and sexual heat wherever our skin touched.

Sleep came softly there on the mountainside with just the moon to witness us.  

*Most of my erotica to date has been hetero, but since I’ve been dating a woman for over a month now, it seemed only right to try my hand at f/f. I also tried my hand at a different narration style and while I can not say I’m crazy about it, it was an interesting exercise.*

*Also, apologies if there are formatting errors. I tried to copy-paste this from google docs but the paragraph breaks did not copy over, so I had to insert them manually. Anyone know how to make it work properly?*

NSFW: yes


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