My Sister Loves Riding Horses (Part 5: Safina and Henry)

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All characters 18+ and fictional

Part 1: [

Part 2: [

Part 3: [

Part 4: [

I apologize for the now 2 month wait for a lot of you. Got really busy, new things, new people in my life, you know the story. I’ll try to post more often. Again, thanks to u/Electronic-Bag478 for bearing with me. I recommend reading the last 4 parts to refresh your memory on the story before reading this. Or just go for it.



The man she had been pining over, the man she couldn’t get off her mind was right in front of her. The man she had sucked off, the man who was incredible down there, the man who saved her from getting raped, right in front of her. The man who gave her one of her most memorable kisses, right in front of her. Henry, her brother.


Why him? Of all the people in the world, the person she was attracted to most was her brother?! No way. No fucking way. Not true. She had to be dreaming. There was no way the mystery man was her brother, no way he was standing at her doorway, probably having glimpsed at her naked. She shut her eyes closed, yelling inside, hoping she had just imagined him there. He wasn’t gone when she opened her eyes, the only thing different about him being an amused look on his face.

Wait, this can’t be Henry. Henry was a fatass right? Fat as hell, couldn’t get a girl, socially awkward, inept at everything. This couldn’t be him. This guy had a killer body. No way this was her fat, lazy brother. This guy also had a different face shape and just oozed confidence. Both things her brother would never have. Ever. This had to be one of his friends, or her parent’s friend, one of them. It just couldn’t be her brother. Just someone who resembles him.

Henry, for his part, realized his sister’s dilemma at the moment, turning around quickly so she could get dressed. He, too, was in shock. He just didn’t realize it was his sister the other day. He must have been drunk…or high. He wouldn’t have done what he had done then if he had known…right? Well he would’ve helped her get away from the rapist person. But he wouldn’t have kissed her…right?

“Get dressed.”

Safina looks down and gasps. She was naked, not even covered by a blanket! She scrambled out, putting her toys away, finding something to get dressed in. Underwear couldn’t be bothered with right now. She quickly put on some pajama bottoms, frantically searching through her clothes – she would have to reorganize them later – for a shirt, settling for an oversized shirt her girlfriend had given her, which she stole from one of her exes. It’ll do.

“Who are you and why were you watching me?”

“What? You forget you have a brother?” Henry smiles and turns around.

Shit. It was him. She had kissed her brother. He had changed. Wow. “When did you get rid of the flab?”

Henry laughs and begins to recount his uphill battle with his weight, having struck with multiple crushes before realizing he needed to work for his own happiness and his own health, having changed his diet, seeing a nutritionist and all to better his body. He was getting to the end, talking about the plastic surgery he got to remove all those flabs of skin and show off his muscles. “We really need to talk about the kiss”

Safina agreed and was about to reply when their mother yelled out. “Kids! Dinnertime!”

They both come down to dinner, the only two open seats being next to each other. But, they just had to stay away from each other. Or their bodies would betray them. In front of their parents.


Special thanks to u/Electronic-Bag478, for helping me out with this and giving me the idea for it. If you have more ideas for more stories, run it by her or myself. Just don’t be creepy, she’s too awesome to deal with creepy people.


Feel free to comment or dm me with ideas!

NSFW: yes
