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This actually happened.

Not sure why, but I’ll put this here. Never cheated. Close but didn’t. Hours after we decided to get a divorce, I set up a meeting with my accountant. Seconds after I told her why I needed the meeting, I could feel her ankle. You know what I mean. Grazing mine as we talked. It’s at that point that you try to maintain eye contact and pretend, both of you, that it’s all company. I increased the pressure and she bit her lip. Ankles turned to calves. Lips bit. Hands clasped across the desk as the legs just sort of did their work.

Find out this. I hadn’t had sex with anyone but my wife for 18 years. I’m military. I was in uniform.

Her head moved. I’ll never forget it. Up and back. Her mouth opened. She had glasses on. Some kind of blouse and skirt combination. I’d already decided. I stood up and walked behind her. I lifted her skirt and all she could say was “please”.

I have no idea what your experience is or what your needs are but I was at a moment in my life where I needed something I wasn’t even aware of.

I used my right hand to move her panties to the side and my left to unzip and take my cock out. I rammed it inside her. I guess I could have said I slipped or guided or pushed. But I rammed it. Plowed it. I fucked her as hard as I’ve ever physically done anything in my life. Months and years of frustration, hunger, release. Just poured into her.

She bit my wrist. She moaned into my skin. She whispered that she was cumming. Did she? I don’t know. We all know words in that situation can be just words. I know I did. I know I fucking filled her. At that moment I owned her. I didn’t know how badly I needed that.

Still inside her, I kissed her. Gratitude was what I felt and I won’t forget how grateful I was. Financially, I’m good. Thanks to her.

My divorce is almost done. She and I meet from time to time and it’s good. But that. That first time, that time I needed it more than I ever have. Incredible.

NSFW: yes


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