Why is this happening? What is happening : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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The D-Day

It all feels like a dream. Why is this happening? What is happening? These questions were running through my head. Let’s go a bit back.

I was rushing towards my house from school after a long day full of studies and well being around people. After such an exhausting I wanted to rest and spend the whole day being lazy, I mean anyone would want to do that. I was expecting a delicious meal served by my aunt. Yea you heard it right, my aunt. My parents had been living in an another country for quite a few years. Well after reaching my house, I opened it with the spare key which was hidden well inside our flower pot. As I came in I yelled ‘Aunt Mary what’s for lunch today.” No response. I repeated myself but a little more loudly. Still no response. I got a bit irritated and started to move towards the kitchen but as I was getting closer to the kitchen, I was getting this weird smell… it was the smell of blood. I got a little scared as I thought aunt Mary was injured. But boy was I wrong. I saw aunt Mary lying on the floor chomping on her own flesh. Her glasses were broken and it looked like her spine was bent. “Aunt Mary?” I said nervously as I backed 2-3 steps. “What are you doi-“ as  I was about to finish my sentence, she turned her face towards me, I was mortified. Half of her face’s flesh was rotten and the other was smashed. Her skull was showing. “WHAT THE HELL!!” I yelled. I knew from her face that my life was in great danger. Suddenly she started growling and sprinted towards me. I grabbed the nearest knife to protect myself. She jumped on me and as soon as her ankle hit the floor, her rotten ankle broke and she paused for a second and growled as if she was in pain. I took the chance and slit her throat. All the rotten dirty blood sprinkled upon me. I was petrified as my face and shirt was covered by my aunt’s blood. Why is this happening? What is happening?
