Unsolicited. – Short Horror Story

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I set a Ramen cup under my bed, it was beef and unopened. I then climbed back on top of my bed and count to ten.

Then I hopped off the bed, and looked under. The noodle cup was gone. Sheets, boxes, shoes… it doesn't matter.

Anything I place under my bed, just goes poof. I had been playing with different objects and running tests. It had to be ten seconds, less and nothing happened. Also if I was physically looking under the bed, also nothing would happen… Until I stopped looking under the bed and let the ten seconds elapse that is. Then once more the object would be gone.

I found I could place my phone on the floor next to my bed while I was on top, and get a recording. However doing so wasn't too useful to solving the mystery. As the footage would only show the given object was there one second, and then gone the next. No lights, No sound. Like flipping a switch. thing there, thing not there.

Sadly I had lost a duffel with my gym things, two rather pricey pairs of shoes, and my weights before I uncovered this… particularity of my rental. I have no idea where any of it goes. I even used an old phone with GPS to try and work it out. which didn't solve anything, since once it disappeared, the phone stopped broadcasting its position.

The history of the building/apartment (I looked), was dull and offered no explanation for the oddity. As there were no ghost stories, ouija board incidents or cult murders lurking in its past.

Besides the quirk with my bedroom, my rental was completely ordinary.

As such, and seeing as I had already signed a one year lease. I decided to stay.


I have been in my apartment for eight months now, I know I cannot finish out my last four. I do not care where I end up, I can't stay here any longer.

I have been dumping my trash under my bed whenever my trash can needs it. Im lazy and doing so saves me a long walk.

The bag split last night, and I was rather worn out from work. So after weighing my options, I decided to leave the mess for the next morning. Since the trash was purely dust emptied from my vacuum, and I did not feel like re-vacuuming the mess right then.

I awoke to tracks, little footsteps cast in dust, as well as dusty footprints left behind from passing though it.

The tracks alternated between six legged movement, to bipedal movement. Each… foot print? was a small hoof, about the size of a pea. The tracks originated from under my bed, and were radiating outwards to the rest of my apartment. They were also on top of my bed.

The worst part was, while I could not see what was making the tracks. I could see clearly fresh ones being made before my eyes.

submitted by /u/accountmctrash
