They say time is a man made concept : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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They say that time is a man made concept, after all who decided that the rotation of the sun should be split into 24 segments?

I think time is alive, simultaneously working for and against us.

From the moment we are born unto this realm time waits for us, like a predator who never ceases the hunt, never stopping for sleep nor nourishment, from the second we are born the clock starts ticking and when it catches up to us the hunt ends as quickly as it began.

But it can also work for us, when we are faced with insurmountable odds or a devastating tragedy time mends our emotional wounds, slowly and methodically, like a mother gently picking dirt out of the gash on her child’s knee.

I know time is alive, the method behind who it chooses to help eludes me however.

I know time is alive, and its manipulating things, waiting for me to figure out a way to get out of this situation, I know because the bullet has exited my skull and climbed back into the gun a hundred times already.
