There’s something in the clouds : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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When I looked up it was to a fluffy dog. Billows of clouds making the snout and floppy ears. After a while the winds shifted and it blurred to a mess of grey-white. Content to lay on the grass while on my lunch break, I watch the heavens shifting and changing. As the mashellow of clouds drifted lazily to a dragon, something sparkled high above.

“Uh, must be a satellite.”

Then another twinkled off to the left, building with rapid flashes. The clouds shifted again. Cascading down in a flurry of white. The first cotton snowflake hit me on the forehead.

“Snow? Can’t be,” I wiped it off and inspected my hand. Sure enough, it wasn’t snow but a small bobble of cloud. I knew it wasn’t. It couldn’t be. Clouds are just water vapour and gases. Not tangible.

More of the strange fluff fell around me, lazily. Through the sheen of white the clouds had changed. A face studied me. Huge mountains of white eyebrows rose above two planet sized eyes. Misty ribbons of hair fell to a sharp, jet stream-like cheekbones.

As it regarded me, I felt myself lifting off the ground. The cotton candy flakes lined my body pulling me upwards. The ground shrank below me as two kinds of fear scrambled my mind. I was high above the earth and face to face with a cosmic Being.

“What are you?” I shouted above the rolling of thunder.

The fluff twisted. Turned me over. Head to the earth. Flipped again. Backwards. Over. Flipping and flopping under the scrutiny of the being.

“What are you?” I shouted. “What do you want?”

“Still not ready.” It said in streaks of lightning.

And then I fell, pummelling the clouds as I went. Rain soaked my clothes and skin. The wind kissed my skin, skinless. Stinging. Ripping. Sending pain erupting through my body. The face watched. Grinning in huge white castles of teeth.

As the ground barrelled up, my life flashed before my eyes. But not just mine. Everyone in a cosmic kaleidoscope. The entire history of the human race, back to our seeding. To when the Being watching me planted us on earth.

Just as I was about to hit the ground, I stopped. Inches became millilitres, and I touched back down. My heart thundered in my ears like an echo of the cosmic entity.

And it didn’t stop as I raced home forgetting about work. That didn’t matter. Nothing did anymore. Not with what I had been shown.

We never came from evolution. We are but seeds to a race of unfathomable creatures. Thankfully we aren’t ready yet. But we will be soon, and when that time comes, they will come and harvest us for their sustenance.
