The Toilet : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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The bell rang, and Newt sighed with relief, as he got up from his chair and proceeded straight to the toilet. He had been waiting one hour for a piss thanks to Mrs Beckett, who swore blind he was using it as an excuse to skip class. Fuck you Mrs Beckett! He thought angrily, as he arrived at the toilets.

The smell inside was a mixture of urine, and floating turd that had been left unflushed in one of the cubicles. Newt noticed that he was the only person in the toilets, he liked it this way. He had terrible bladder shyness.

But as he approached the urinal, two boys came in, and Newt’s plans for using the urinal were now crushed. He picked a cubicle at random, hoping that he at least got a semi clean one.

God damn it! Newt thought. The lock to the cubicle had been broken. And his day got even worse when he saw the floating turd in the toilet bowl. Fucking animals! He tried to flush the toilet, but it didn’t work. He covered his nose, and tried to look away from the floater as he relieved his bladder.

When he finished, something caught his attention in the toilet bowl. A grey hand was slowly squeezing through the hole at the bottom of the toilet. Newt froze with fear, unable to move his gaze from the hand, which was now fully through. It wrapped its bony fingers around the turd, and speedily retracted back into the hole carrying its prize.

Newt’s eyes fell on something graffitied on the wall above the toilet, it read…

This is The Poo Man’s domain

Those who leave without offering

Shall be slain!

Newt decided that was enough. But as he tried to open the door, it wouldn’t budge. How is it locked? He thought.

He jumped when a voice suddenly came from the toilet, it had a gurgly tone, as if submerged beneath water…

“You can’t leave, not until you give me poo!” The thing in the toilet said, before giggling, causing the water in the toilet bowl to bubble up.

Newt almost screamed, but regained his composure. He timidly replied…

“Who’s there?”

The gurgly voice replied instantly…

“Poo Man!”

Newt tried to open the cubicle door frantically. But it was no good. And got to his knees and tried to crawl out underneath, but there was no gap.

The gurgly voice returned, this time it sounded angry…

“Give me poo, or I’ll kill you!”

Newt didn’t want to sit on that toilet, he was fucking terrified. The thought of sitting above that thing sent shivers up his spine.

“Please somebody HELP ME!” Newt screamed, as he banged on the door, hoping somebody would hear him.

A grey arm reached out from the toilet, grabbed Newt’s ankle, and pulled him screaming into the toilet.

All that remained of Newt when the caretakers entered the cubicle later that day, was a red smear around the toilet bowl.
