The Start of A Friendship – Short Horror Story

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It's funny. It's almost hailarious. They think they're hidden so well, but I can see just right though them. I've always been capable of it. I don't think it has anything to do with me also being a killer. I think I was born with it. I'm able to tell whose murderer, a killer, a wicked man, or just capable of being evil, just by looking them in the eyes.

Although, it is the first time I've seen a ten year old boy with those type of eyes. He looked like any normal human. He was short. He looked as if his name was Lucas. A real Lucas, with large brown eyes and a small nose, and hair that glossed naturally.

I considered if he was just a born psycopath. It was unlikely, considering how much malice he showed. But you know, some people are just born like that. They have a hatred for the world from the get go. Kind of adorable.

When I spotted him he was crying. He made it believable too. Mommy, Mommy, I've lost my mommy. Nobody bothered to stop or help him. They walked past him as if he didn't exist, just a ghost. Truly heartless stuff. I'd know it.

He only noticed me when I stood in front of him with a small smile on my face. My hands clenched his shoulders with enough force to make a boy squirm, but he just stared at me. Can you help me find my mommy?

"Yeah sure," I said, "come with me."

And I grabbed his hand, leaving no room for argument. I wasn't going to kill him. I know. I know. Not very trustable coming from me, but I think he knew it. I was just curious as to what had happened to the kid, and if need be I'd cut him up a little bit to get to it.

The second we got somewhere safe, his whole demeanor shifted. He wasn't even trying to play the part of a sad ten year old anymore. It felt as if in an instant moment, we were standing on the same level, looking eye to eye, as equals.

You're like me, he said with a dark voice. That's peculiar.

"That's a bit freaky kid. What the hell are you?"

His face started shifting, and his size transformed. A creature with pearl white skin and twenty eyes towered above me. I thought, humans would try to help a sad child. What went wrong?

"Takes too much effort."


"So… Are you doing anything later today?"

I got nothing planned. Why do you ask?

"Want to go grab a drink? We can talk about methods of luring people."

Sounds interesting. I agree.

"Nice, just follow me. There's a great place nearby."

submitted by /u/the-dangerous
