The Scratching : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Once again, I find myself within the confines of my bed. Their Infernal, unending scratching at the walls assaults my ear drums, digging its way into my nervous system, and driving me further into my insanity with each passing second.

I have no idea how long they’ve been torturing me this way, but it feels like an eternity. It started with the scratching, but soon they began to wail and moan. Their muffled cries now resonate from within the walls, filling every nook and cranny with sound.

I’ve tried everything to drown them out. Ear plugs. Music. Television. Sleeping pills. Even tried just getting good and hammered a couple of times, but to no avail. I simply laid in my bed, watching the room spin, and drowning in their mournful cries.

It’s been entirely too long since I’ve gotten even a shred of sleep. Even if I do somehow manage to drift off, I am always awoken by a particularly loud shriek, or the pounding of their angry fists. There is no rest for the wicked, I suppose.

But, there will be. You see, I think I’ve finally figured out why they continue to pound, scratch, and wail at my walls. It’s because they’ve not been given a proper burial. Well, I plan to change that posthaste. I believe that, once they’re finally put to rest, I will truly be free.

Despite my unfortunate circumstances, the show must go on. I will use this failure as a learning experience. A springboard into a brighter future. My next victims shall not suffer the same fate, languishing between these crumbling walls, and I shall rest undisturbed, forevermore.
