Reddit – Dive into anything – Short Horror Story

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Just one more, I thought to myself. My hands quivered as I dug the spoon a little further into the earth. One more inch and I was free, I could finally see the sun again. Oh the sun, I could feel its blistering heat yet again, cooking my brain into as fine a mush as it could, the screaming radiation bursting through and burrowing deep down like a mole escaping a predator.

I kept digging, my fingers growing bloody yet again as the scabs ripped open, yellow pus and red, foamy blood mixing into the stinging earth, marking my territory, as well as any dog could ever do. I wonder if there are any dogs left, or if they’d all been killed or eaten in the initial aftermath. God knows you have to eat what you can when the dry goods run out, my trusty rusty spoon can tell you that. I wonder what his name was, Dave? Quincy? Never mind, back to digging. I tried to keep him alive, at least for a while, no use to me rotting away in the bathroom. Just a little more, just have to keep going. It’s hard to dig with my left hand. Why did I start with my right again? Quincy must’ve done something to it, have to keep going though, no use letting it go to waste.

Who would’ve thought they’d pour concrete over the door, why why why would they even do that? Dig. Was it money? They must’ve known it wouldn’t mean much, old Quincy had a theory, I should ask him sometime. Just a little bit more, I swear it’s getting looser. They must have just been trying to flatten the curve, push us all into a hole….. Let us rot while they escaped. DIG. I can feel the tears now, there was never a shortage of water, my hands are shaking. That has to be it, just a bit more, I wonder if it’s over, maybe I’ll be greeted, they’ll have to come back for Dave, poor boy couldn’t live up to it. I wonder why they gave us a gun, should’ve aimed better, Quince. Had to eat though.

I can see it now,

just one more

And I can see the sun
