Please Report This Fake Profile! : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Tab 2: Facebook

Sarah Brooks posted 1hr ago:

Hey there everyone. I thought I’d make a public FB post to let you know what’s been going on in our friendship circle right now.

Someone has made a fake Facebook profile of David!

Scammers, right? They’re so annoying. This duplicate profile copied all his details and photos but you can tell that it’s the fake one because it was only created a day ago (unlike David’s real account which is still there/visible on your friends lists).

Apparently, this scam profile has been DMing people privately asking them for help. Don’t listen to anything this profile sends you, just block and delete the messages. You don’t want to get conned or anything.

Also, please report this fake profile!

Head over to the options tab on the fake profile page, scroll down and hit the report button so Facebook will know to delete it (select fraud/impersonation for the category of offence). The more people who report, the more likely Facebook will be to take action and remove the imposter!

The situation has really upset David and he’s been laying low for the past day. Scammers sure are the worst, aren’t they? Show David you care by clicking over to the dummy profile and reporting it immediately.

I’m sure he’ll appreciate all of your efforts. 🙂

Tab 1: Curse & Ritual Database

A Curse of Digitisation: Instructions and Foreword

Looking for a way to permanently destroy your enemies? Or should I say—frenemies? Well, here’s a twisted spell for all you techno-witches out there.

Spare yourself the mess of pustules & disease and opt for a cleaner, more modern curse for your target instead.

Digitise them! Transfigure their physical form into an electronic one by scanning them straight onto the Internet. Yep, this curse (if performed correctly) will transform a victim of your choosing into a social media profile.

You can literally turn your foe into a Facebook account.

The page will simply appear on that site as a duplicate profile page of the victim, with the same name/profile picture/photos but no post history. Their soul, body and consciousness will be trapped in there (and unable to do much).

Now, it’s important to remember that this spell will only last for 72 hours, after which said person will be released back into their regular form in the real world.

Unless you can get rid of the second profile in that time period.

Killing the subject of the curse is just a matter of getting the new profile terminated. The best part is you won’t even need to get your hands dirty—Internet users are very suggestible. With luck, the victim’s loved ones will do away with them for you without even realising it.

Perfect hex, right? Click down below for the recipe.

Have fun, spread chaos and get cursing!
