Not Again. – Short Horror Story

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I feel my joints cracking, bones lengthening. Claws growing rapidly, scoring the floor beneath my feet. Course hair, pushing through my thin sweater as my body grows, mercilessly, painfully, aggressively. Until my sweater is in tatters. My mom got me that, I whimper to myself.

It doesn't matter; the transformation continues. It doesn't care that I don't want it, or that I have a loving family, nice house, or sweaters bought in matronly love. The creature inside of me wants blood, and flesh, and chaos.

How could I be so stupid?! I just wanted a drink of water, and in my sleep-ridden state, wandered right into the moonlight. A single, tiny sliver of moonlight, barely peering through the curtains. I'd been so careful up til now!

It doesn't matter.

The transformation completes, as my mind begins to blur. My vision and smell sharpen intensely, shocking my brain with the overstimulation. I forget, gradually, who I am and all who love me, as I burst through the door into an unsuspecting night drenched in cursed moonlight.

I wake up. I'm sore, covered in blood. No idea where I am. What happened??? I don't want to know, don't want to think about what that creature.…. no, what I have done. I push the thoughts away, and slowly, agonizingly wander home.

My mom bursts into tears at the sight of me.

"Oh honey! Oh my sweetie where were you?? I was so worried! You're covered in blood!"

She picks me up, fawns over me, checks me for wounds.

"My little Snowball! Did some terrible animal get into the house and you chased it away?! My good girl, brave girl! Who's my brave girl?! Let's get you to the vet sweetie, just in case"

She showers me with treats and my tail wags instinctively. Maybe this curse isn't so bad after all.

submitted by /u/Goose_Season
