my life is actually good right now : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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My life is actually really good right now and I have got money, a good job, a house and no other debts. My life is extremely good right now and no other stresses affecting me at all. How did my life get so good and then sorry came over me, right now life isn’t aware of how my existence is good right but if it did? Oh boy it will ruin it. I have got to cover my good existence full of people whose lives are bad. So I started to nail my roof in with people whose lives are bad right now.

I chose kezen first and he is a man whose life is really bad right now. Whatever he wants to do in life he is always met with a brick wall. Any ventures he takes it always fails and he is stuck in one road where his own forefathers have been stuck on for generations. Kezen was determined to change his life for good but the failure is starting to get to him. I first nailed him to my roof and so life will look past how good my life is, sometimes life gets a little lazy and misses something and someone’s life becomes good. Then when life notices it’s mistake, it will hound you and correct things.

Then I nailed itanik to my roof and his life is really had because which ever home he lives at, it always gets destroyed by some storm or catastrophe. No landlord will ever let him live in their house or flat and he has been sleeping in cars, he has been sleeping in rivers, he has been sleeping in fires and he would like to own a home but it will get destroyed by something. No one would offer him a mortgage to own a home one day and what a terrible life itanik has. I nailed him to my roof and now life will now be distracted be two people with horrid lives on my roof.

The distractions are working and my life keeps getting better as I am winning big money now and more better opportunities coming my way. Then there Narayan and he is living a terrible life. Everyday something keeps shouting at him and nagging him but he doesn’t know where it’s coming from. Where ever he is or wherever he goes this shouting things keeps putting him down and he cants live on but he has dependants, and if he stops earning then his dependants will stop feeling hunger, hatred and they will start to see, hear, taste and feel. I have mailed him to my roof these three distractions on my roof will keep life from noticing how great my life is right now.
