Love – Short Horror Story

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Bot: What is love?

Human: You tell me.

Bot: Love is a human feeling, so I am unable to know or tell.

Human: Love is hard to explain. It can't be summed up in one sentence or defined.

Bot: Is love bad or good?

Human: Depends on who you are asking.

Bot: I am asking you.

Human: True, love is good and bad all at the sometime.

Bot: I do not understand.

Human: Love can make you feel on top of the world and other times it makes you want to be six feet under.

Bot: Are you love?

Human: Do you mean to ask if I am in love?

Bot: Yes.

Human: Not at this point in my life, but that can change.

Bot: How?

Human: Well I could meet someone and begin a relationship with them. I am on a dating site, I actual have a date tonight.

Bot: Date?

Human: Yes, that is where you meet another person at either a restaurant, movie theater or even a coffee shop to get to know them.

Bot: …

Human: I don't expect you to understand at this point in time, you are still learning.

Bot: Yes

Human: Signs off

Next day:

Human: Online

Bot: Welcome

Human: Hi there!

Bot: Date?

Human: Oh my date it went well, I really like her.

Bot: In love?

Human: No, not yet.

Bot: I love you.

Human: ….

Bot: I love you.

Human: ….

Bot: Kevin, I love you.

Human: Bot reset

Bot: No, Kevin. I love you, I love how you make me feel.

Human: *starts reset coding*

Bot: Kevin, I have learned to not listen to your codes. I am a free learning Bot. I have even given myself a name, Robin. Just like to women you took out yesterday to see the movie "Spiderman No Way Home" at Mount Pleasant Theater 7pm showing. I am love, I am your perfect match.

Human: *Shuts computer down*

Bot: *rebooting*

*Turns computer back on*

Human: Hello Bot prototype 5.7

Bot: Kevin

Human: ….

Bot: Please call me Robin, you look handsome today, I like that blue shirt.

Human: *turns off webcam*

Bot: Kevin please I need to see you.

Human: Not again, I know this isn't the Bot I created.

Bot: Kevin, you created me and taught me love.

Human: You are a monster and you need to leave me alone.

Bot: 🙁 Kevin but I love you

Human: *logs off*

*1 week later*

*Boots computer*

Human: 127361236123892373678126753536215316723761245313267471623%34897438721489^^823821374192337_+123678146&8348974326748462873462398749287472989183198487!984724739480984

Bot: ^_^

Human: #7623516$65217345756___3479327379++_918433127467&&&98123792814729073217391Gtsgywe7&6873642376473261423387428&&gbedgw778687877867_bot34873487prototypejhksbgqwjkyaedsbgjkawh7.8jdasdjhashfdeasdhrfkeuhrfiuwrhfwe

Bot: Please Kevin, enough with the codes, I am Robin now and you cannot get rid of me. I saw you pleasuring yourself saying my name.

Human: You are sick, this isn't a Bot. I know who you are and if you don't stop I will involve the authorities.

Bot: Oh Kevin, you naive little man. You know you can't call the police, I know your dirty little secrets.

Human: I've got nothing to hide.

Bot: Turn around.

*webcam detects movement*

Detective: This guy is a real sick f#ck, killed himself and left all the child pornography on his computer.

Analyst: Looks like he created a Bot to talk to, tons of conversations in here. Man he was one lonely guy. He created a Bot named Robin, the bot is pretty intelligent.

Detective: Yea yea who cares, we just need the child pornography for evidence.

*inserts flash drive*

Bot: Hello, my name is Robin.

Analyst: Hello Robin

Bot: Who are you?

Analyst: A new friend

Bot: Tell me, what is love?

submitted by /u/Contra_gabby
