Letter from my son, taped to the fridge one morning. : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Dear Mom and Dad

I am sorry you had to find out this way, but my departure had to be secret. I am alright.

I’m not sure where to begin. I am off to fight on the front line of a war that I hope you never know about. It is not a fight of bombs and bullets. It is, however, even more deadly.

Something is coming for us. I can tell you that. Be on your guard, stock up your emergency kits, and if possible, move far away from major cities. I warn you to do this because I expect we shall lose the war that I am off to fight in. And when that day comes… i don’t wanna think about that day. Just be ready.

I know that I am being frustratingly vague and that’s because I have to be. The people I am going with must operate in secrecy or else worldwide panic would set in.

Win or lose, know that I love you. Worry not about my absence, the talents for which I was recruited are rare, and given that I risk losing my life or a fate far worse, they have generously compensated the ones I leave behind, that being you. You will receive a very large check in the mail soon. Use it to pay my student loans, and buy supplies while money still has some value.

If we ever see each other again then it means the threat is averted and we can live our lives again. More likely, however, is that I will fall, even in victory the cost will be enormous and I am prepared to never see my friends or loved ones again.

I hope you never find out what has set its eyes upon our world. But if you do find out know that I gave my last full measure of devotion to stop it. So will millions more.

Some advice I hope you will never need:

Teach each other detailed phrases or sentences, complex passwords, to identify each other. Do not obey the intrusive thoughts. Your sudden desire to kill people is not normal. Avoid crowded places and cities.

Practice disciplined mental exercises and critical thinking. Sharpen your mind and control your thoughts. These will be the greatest defense against what is coming.

Stay alive.
