Kelly’s Eye – Short Horror Story

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Kelly Humberson wasn't you're run of the mill girl, and when I mean run of the mill, I mean her eyes. They weren't too wide, or unblinking. Not that Creepypasta type of stuff. More like one was hollow. And when I say hollow, I mean hollow. Empty.

She had a game at school where she would take it out and place it in people's bags. When you dived in for your lunch, bamn! Eyeball sandwich.

This school term she came into class with a new eyepatch. When asked about it, she said, It's my new eye. Daddy made it. And by daddy, she meant her bioengineering father.

She lifted the underside. The skin was raw, but sure enough, a deep blue, bloodshot eyes stared out.

"Does it work?" She rolled it around as if to answer me. A gooey liquid spilled over the eyelid and trickled down her cheek. It was gross.

The next day, Kelly wasn't in school. In fact, she wasn't in for the rest of the week. Troubled, I thought I'd call over after school.

The house was empty when I got there. Her bio-father worked late and her mother held down two jobs so it wasn't unheard of. Kelly had shown me the hidden key once, and I used that to enter the house.

I found Kelly in her room. Bandages covering most of her body.

"Kelly? It's me!" I hissed as if the mummy would jump up and straggle me. She murmured through the fabric. Guttal groans. Choking words.

Slowly, I untied the bandages around her head. Peeling them back from sticky skin. The more I pulled off the more I realised there were lumps all over her face. Piece by piece I pulled them away, until an eyeball glared at me. Angry and red. And at the side of her cheek.

I stumbled back as Kelly sat up. The bandages slipping to show more eyes protruding out of her temple, chin, under her eyes, at the corner of her mouth. So many. Too many.

They swivelled to me. Her mouth was gaping. "Pleasesss," she said around the eyeball on her tongue "helllp mee."

I didn't know what to do. I lunged forward, tried to pull the eyes off her. But they were slippery and my fingers couldn't grasp them. I squeezed harder and one popped all over me. Eye juice and snotty eggy membrane covered my face. The bile came before I could run. Coating the floor. But I did. I ran and didn't go back.

Today, the day after, I woke up with a terrible itch on my cheek. When I went to the mirror I noticed a small slit. I'm just hoping it isn't the start of a eyelid.

submitted by /u/A_Clockwork_Monkey
