Introducing The Henry’s: Natural Connoisseurs : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Henry and Henrietta, or The Henrys, as their close friends call them, are very wealthy.

They like to entertain other fabulous people, the kind everyone refers to by just their first name. And, of course there are lots of politicians.. Anyone who needs to meet another someone, connects at one of The Henry’s parties.

The Henry’s have a dark secret, just like everyone else they know, but the difference is their secret is a tangible, living (sort of), demanding (very), ravenous (always) thing that resides in their basement.

Currently, The Henry’s ‘guest’ is hungry and getting impatient. Henrietta calls it The Dark Thing and refuses to go into the basement. Henry invited the Thing to live with him many years ago, when he was just getting started as a lobbyist. He helped it grow and flourish. Henry understands that feeding it is essential if The Henry’s are to continue their lifestyle. Lately It has been growing bolder, venturing out of the back room and slithering up the basement steps. The stench it brings with it is the odor of corruption mingled with a base note of power that rots.

The victim, excuse me, the offering must be chosen carefully so as not to cause an unnecessary scandal. It should be someone that everyone is already tired of, and no one will really miss him or her when they are gone. Sounds easy, but the selection process can be so tedious.

You see, The Henry’s are true connoisseurs of chaos and corruption. They have an agreement with The Dark Thing to provide evil in its raw form in exchange for money (of course) and power (delicious). Sadly, there is so much corruption currently in vogue, The Henry’s find it difficult to discern who are the most genuinely evil. There are upstart posers everywhere and the Dark Thing has a nose for the shallow calories that a poser provides.

For example, there was a particular congressman, who was rumored to like very young ‘companions’ and who spurted such vile commentary, The Henry’s thought he would be a very tasty morsel. But, it turned out the Congressman was simply, fundamentally stupid and parroting others. The Dark Thing took one bite and rejected the offering entirely. It does not enjoy phonies.

The Henry’s have their eye on a budding entrepreneur. He speaks only in jargon about startups and creators and crypto moguls who manage elaborate schemes to lure in unsuspecting investors. He sounds like an entire banquet for The Dark Thing. They are quite excited he has accepted an invitation to their next party.

Oh! I’ve been rude, haven’t I? Please excuse me. Let me make it up to you. There is an extra place at The Henry’s next dinner party. With all that you have been working on, I’m sure you would be a lively addition to the conversation. Please, won’t you come as my Plus One?
