In the Tall Grass : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Ever see that large field of grass out in the countryside? The one that goes for miles with seemingly no end? You might feel some energy attempting to pull you in, to get you to brush into its embrace. Don’t fall for its petty tricks, because once you are pulled in there will be no escape.

Within 5 minutes, you’ll lose your way. You won’t be able to backtrack no matter if you traced the entire way you walked. Every blade of grass will look the same as the ones you saw 2 minutes ago.

Within 15 minutes you’ll begin to see the hollow people, no eyes, no bones, just flappy skin in the wind chasing you with sickles and pitchforks to gut out your insides.

Then you’ll lose track of time, and the field will begin to mesh with your reality. You’ll escape the field finally and get back in your car. You’ll finally drive home. You’ll live your life, get a job, find love, and begin to pass away surrounded by your loved ones.

Then the walls of the hospital room disappear, and you lay in a bed of hay surrounded by people you no longer recognize. You scream for help but only hollow skin stares back at you.

Your body begins to rot as you realize you never truly left, and there you will lay forever,

in the tall grass.
