Imagine : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Imagine a rotting corpse. A bloated, oozing, stinking body succumbing to creatures too small to be seen. Have you ever wondered if they feel it?

Imagine your arm rotting off your shoulder. The flesh turning black, the muscles becoming weaker. Would it burn as tendons and sinews pulled apart and your arm slowly sloughed off?

Imagine your stomach distending as bacteria pump your abdomen full of gas. Your skin stretching to its limit, the pressure building beyond anything you can bear. Would there be any semblance of relief when your stomach finally bursts and spills your guts on the ground?

Imagine the mold growing in your lungs. Fungi in sickening shades of green and yellow, releasing their spores as you exhale each breath. Would the taste or the smell of your decaying breath be more foul?

Imagine laying on the ground helpless as your body falls apart. Imagine knowing your mind is trapped in a rotting vessel, forced to feel every cell decay. Would insanity overtake you before the rot?

Imagine yourself as a rotting corpse. Would you even recognize the distinct agonies of your body decaying, or would it all meld together in a symphony of torment?

I, for one, can’t wait to find out.
