If the previous home owners never used the attic for the love of god leave it. : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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I don’t have much time left but I guess I can get this story out to warn the others. I live alone and after years of saving I had enough money to get out this unbearable neighborhood. I bought a lovely house up in a peaceful suburb. It was 2 story with a basement and an attic. I heard good things about the basement but not a thing about the attic. Not a single thing about it. I brushed it off and unlocked the house. When I stepped in the house was a lot better compared to houses I’ve lived in before. After I had a crew help me unpacked I was alone. Then I saw it. A hanging ladder leading to the open attic. I decided f#ck it and I peaked inside. Then not even a second after something like a 10 ft tall black thing charged at me. With the mental shit knocked out of me I screamed but it was gone. An hour later I was finished with my dinner, a nice steak for the night. I went to brush my teeth but something was odd about the mirror. It was a window to a little room. It was that cursed monster and it started banging in the window with its fists. I dropped my shit and ran for my life. I barricaded the holy christ out of that door but I tripped on my computer cable. The entire time I was writing this story it was staring at me. Its face is getting closer. I physically can’t move, I mean it.
