I saw it in the well. – Short Horror Story

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Believe it or not, the first time I went to a city was when i was eighteen years of age. I have always lived in my parents farm, the farm, gifted by my grandfather to my father. I lived there most of my life before i moved out, I saw a lot of weird stuff living there.

I had to work, a lot, I had to milk the cows, plow the fields and pick the carrots. This didn’t really bother me, I actually enjoyed doing these types of chores, they took my mind off things. However, my least favorite chore was getting water from the well.

The well at the farm was deep, very deep, so deep it seemed like it was endless. I remember one day, I went to pick up water and to my surprise I noticed that there was a huge gator swimming down there.

The farm was in Florida, when days were chilly I could see a lot of alligators in the nearby lake. I wonder what they were thinking, they just stared at me, with their glowing, translucent eyes.

When I saw the gator it was nothing out of the usual. The well had a small tunnel that connected it to the lake nearby. The land on the farm was kind of dry so we did this to always maintain a flow of water.

Anyways, after a couple of hours the gator eventually returned to the lake through the tunnel.

Now, the creepiest shit I have ever seen there was on a sunday, late at night. I remember my cousins were staying in the farm for the week.

It was summer when this happened to me, I remember getting woken up by my mom.

“Sorry to wake you up… can you go fetch some water from the well?” she said

“Uhh, what…?”

“I said can you go get some water from the well, we ran out” she responded

“Alright… , couldn’t you just wake me up later, damn” I said

I got ready and promised myself I would do this fast so I could go back to sleeping.

When I finally got to the well I heard some water splashing coming from down there. A little spooked, I grabbed my iPhone and turned on the flashlight. As I was flashing the light down there I remember seeing little bubbles forming down the well, I then saw as a mysterious figure slowly stood up from under the water.

I remember it slowly twisted it’s head upwards to look at me. It was staring at me, it had a impossibly large smile, perfect white teeth, razor sharp.

It had large eye sockets, but small pinpoint pupils. Yellow eyes, so terrifying. It was smiling at me.

After it staring at me for about five seconds, I quickly started running towards the house.

We called the cops, however they found nothing.

Since then I’ve never visited that farm ever again.

submitted by /u/DarkInPen
