Humans Without Hate : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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We were given a task of creating new humans. There were many different things we considered but our goal was to create a better human morally. We didn’t want to create one more effective in the sense of strength, leadership, intellect, intuition but rather one that was happier. It was a honourable task that’s why I joined it.

The first thing we did was attempt to change the human instinct. We forced the instincts to send a strong urge of helping, altruism, and joy, constantly. However, when the first human was manufactured she grabbed her head and started screaming, and begging and rolling around. She was promptly discarded.

The second attempt we made was to enlarge empathy. This was done by implementing organic cellular technology. The brains were equipped with a mechanism which sent out and caught pain from other humans. We manufactured two humans, both male.

They both screamed when we hammered subject #1 toe. Surprisingly, subject #2 was able to sense the source of the pain. His face turned into a sneer and he charged subject #1. I froze as blood splattered against the window. Both of the subjects were screaming as #2 bashed the head of #1 in.

The experiment was retried twenty times, and each time it ended in the same way.

I had the breakthrough that we were going about it in the wrong way. We were trying to enable or bring forth certain actions, however the human psyche seemed to complex for such acts. Instead we should have tried to stop certain actions, the type of actions which produce evil.

Violence begets violence begets violence can just as easily be construed as hate begets hate begets hate. In the next attempt we removed any way of expressing hate. The subject could only express emotions which were not hateful.

We manufactured another human. We wanted to see how she would react when exposed to anger invoking situations. We began with simply shocking her. She didn’t make any noise or facial expression which showed that she was in any pain whatsoever.

The experiment seemed to end in a success. We decided to invest more resources into her. She was named Love and taught how to speak as well as given a friendly environment to live for a year. Every human exposed to her liked her and found her highly agreeable.

We decided to expose Love to more anger rising scenarios. One of the researchers sat her down and started cursing her out. She stared at him lifelessly. His voice only grew louder, and insults more terrible, and then, she dropped dead.
