how I make it rain : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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It’s been the dry season for nearly a year and all of the farmers like myself are struggling. No crops are growing to harvest and nor any grass for our animals to eat. Frederick lamental was the richest farmer and he tried to make it rain, by throwing money on his crops. He was trying to make it rain gangsta style and he has clearly lost his mind due to pressures the drought has caused all of us. He doesn’t make sense anymore and he tries to make it rain by throwing money on his farm and with some gangsta music. He had to be taken away for serious sectioning. Poor Frederick.

Then there is sulamat and he had tried to make the weather pour rain through witch craft, and he has taught himself the arts of the witch doctor. He has been sacrificing his animals to make it rain but no rain came by, and now he has no animals and no crops or grass. He became even more desperate and he started doing even more witchcraft and voodoo but the skies were dry, and nobody cares how much profit you made yesterday because it’s all about today. Oh sulamat trying to make it rain through superstition.

I on the other hand decided to make it rain through more practical ways. I hounded the locals in large quantities around my crops and grass, and I hurt them all. I never killed them but hurt them altogether and they all cried at the same time and their tears fell on my crops and grass, and it all started to grow. I was happy and ecstatic and I had beaten Frederick and sulamat. If I needed them to cry more then I would hurt them even more, what an amazing life this is.

I didn’t need to throw money on my crops to make it rain nor did I need superstition. I had practical methods and people’s tears were as good as rain and I made it rain hard on my crops. I also managed to sell my crops and my animals were able to eat grass, I was in profit. Whenever I see someone crying I shout at them “don’t waste tears on useless things, go on my farm and let your tears drop on my crops”

I even started paying large amounts of people to cry on my crops, and their households became abusive because they needed something to cry about. At least I am not making them cry but they are crying on their own terms. I make it rain and I surely do.
