Freedom – Short Horror Story

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The detested roll in coils around my feet.
Free, free!
I scratch achingly, begging to be set free.
Free, free!
I ignore the bile rising up my throat. (Thick strips of flesh)
My own body? Betrayal? No matter.

Free, free!
I scrap off the evil. I strip my bones of this pain.
Free, free!
I feel this weight lighten at last. A tiny, fluttering bird set free. (i am beautiful now)

Free, free!
I sink deeper into my bliss. Lovely, scarlet liquid.
Free, free!
I sigh softly. Peace, at long last.

Free, free!
Warm hope fills my heart. Serene, liquid death.
My vision blinks out.

submitted by /u/RandomCluelessTeen
