Eden O’Connor’s diary : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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I told my mum about the boy I met last week. He was so perfect in everyway he smelt like a warm living room or that could have been how he made me feel. Of course mum said “Eden was he really that perfect no one can be that perfect.”I thought.wow you really doubt me he was more than perfect.But of course I just replied with”To me he seemed perfect but I guess I don’t know him so therefore I can’t be sure of that.”believe me I was more sure than ever. Out of awkwardness mum asked what does he look like where did I meet him and all those other mum questions. He has eyes as blue as the Skye and hair as dark as coal he was really nice, he spoke with a soft tone. “Eden where did you meet him and does this dream boy have a name”mum asked “oh yeh I met river, river Jones at the corner store.”She smirked then replied with “That’s a unique name.” Finally dad came to get me so this stupid conversation could end. I left as quick as possible jumped in the car with dad “Hey honey you okay.” Dads always so nice to me I said “yeh.” I would never talk about boys to dad that would be more awkward than with mum. We sat down to watch telly dad put the news on boring I know.Breaking news body found young boy identified as river Jones they showed a picture dad said “He’s been dead for at-least a month.” Dad knows these things as he works in a morgue.when I heard that name my stomach dropped. Was that really him or was I going mad the only question I’ve been asking myself is was his name really river Jones.When I say I met him last week I meant 6years ago and now I’m in a psych ward for what I did to that poor boy still like to pretend that I had these conversations with my parents but they never happened I killed them to.
