Come With Me into the Woods : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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Come with me into the woods.

I know you’ve been told not to go. I know it’s getting dark and your family is waiting, but this won’t take long.

You’ve been told that those who go in don’t come out, but that’s not true. I wander those woods every night and have seen incredible things. I haven’t been the same since that first night.

I was just like you, wary of the unknown woman who’d stood at the tree line beckoning me in. I’d heard the stories. I was afraid of the creatures they said that dwelled there; the ones with red eyes and fangs. You’ve heard about the creatures with twisted limbs and gnarled teeth. Creatures that could devour you before you even know they are upon you. Yes, they are there, but so are things you couldn’t imagine. Beautiful things. I’ll guide you.

There’s a brook in the middle of the woods. If you drink from it you change. It’s hard to explain, but you have all of life’s answers. All your problems will be gone. I can see that you possess the strength to thrive here.

Follow me and watch your step.

The brook is just ahead.

Use this cup to drink from it. Isn’t the water refreshing?

Now that you’ve drank, I must tell you that only one of us can stay. I’ve been here long enough. I’m free now. It’s your turn keep the woods. You will feel pain, but cannot die. Don’t worry, if you stay 100 years, you won’t age. You may be here that long. It’s hard to coax people to the brook.

Look out for the creatures. After a few attacks, you’ll understand.

Please don’t cry. Your family will eventually stop looking for you. They’ll know better than to come into the woods. It’s not all bad. It really is a beautiful cage.

My best advice is to stand at the edge and call the next victim in. There will always be some brave fool.

I really must be going. Good luck and goodbye.
