Arctic Patrol : Scary Stories – Short Horror Story

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A165: You know, we could be slurping out of coconuts in Hawaii, or atleast hunting terrorists in a tropical climate. What the fuck are we doing in the Arctic, in this old piece of shit corvette?

Base: The new corvettes are busy hunting terrorists, Lieutenant. I suggest you should be thankful I’m not sending you in a raft.

A165: Oh shi- ehm, I-

Base: You still don’t know how to shut off the radio, Lieutenant?

A165: I deeply apologize, sir!

Base: Let’s deal with this later! Have you found anything yet?

A165: Nothing out of the ordinary, sir! Just ice and more ice.

Base: Go further north! The satelite images suggest there should be an enemy recon ship around here.

A165: Yes sir!… I would feel alot safer if we didn’t sit in a prehistoric tin can. I’m surprised this thing doesn’t use gunpowder cannons.

Base: The radio, Lieutenant!

A165: OH FU-

Base: You are supposed to apprehend the enemy, not eliminate them! This ship is absolutely-

A165: I see something, sir! It looks like a submarine just surfaced about half a mile away!

Base: Approach it slowly, Lieutenant!

A165: Wait… It just submerged again.

Base: Stay alarmed, Lieutenant!

A165: It… uh… it just resurfaced and it’s about 300 yards closer. Does this thing have fucking warp drive or- It’s gone again!

Base: Stay focused! Can you locate it?

A165: It just- wait… That’s not a fucking sub- WHAT THE FUCK?

A165: FIRE, FIRE, FIRE! What do you mean we have no am- WHY DO WE HAVE NO AMMO?

Base: Fire power won’t kill it, Lieutenant, just make it angrier.

A165: WHAT??

Base: I am sorry Lieutenant, we have to keep it away from our shores. We have to keep it… saturated.


Base: Thank you for your sacrifice, soldiers. You will be remembered.

A165: GO TO HELL YOU FUC——————–
