Addiction – Short Horror Story

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"Happy birthday, son!"

"Aw, thanks, Mom and Dad!" Ezra exclaimed. "This is a bit heavy… What's in it?"

"Just gotta open it, Ezra."

As Ezra opened his gift, his mom warned him. "We think you're old enough for this. However, you have to make sure to keep up with your schoolwork, and we can take it away whenever."

"Holy crap! A phone! Thank you guys so so so much!" Ezra cried. He looked at the phone, the mechaninical box of technology. What a wonder… He couldn't wait…

"Ezra, what's going on? Your grades are starting to drop… Do we need to take away that phone?"

"No! I mean… no. Sorry Mom, I'll try harder. I've only just had this phone, go a little easier on me," Ezra said sheepishly.

"Alright then," said Ezra's mom. "Just don't have your grades drop again."

"I got you!"

"Ezra…? We came back from the Parent Teacher Conference? What's happening?? Your teachers were so proud of you. But now they're saying you aren't paying attention in class. They've caught you using your phone once. We've been lenient with you before, but do we have to take your phone away?"

"Dad, pleaseeeee. I only wanted to check the time, that's it, I swear. And I just haven't been as interested lately… Who's interested in school, anyways?!"

"Fine. Next time though, your phone is gone for a week."

"Ezra. What's this app on your phone?"

"It's nothing!"

"EZRA. TIKTOK, REALLY?… Ezra, look. Your grades have been dropping again. And now, TikTok? I think it's time to take it away. For a week."

"NO! Ugh, jeez." Ezra stomped to his room and shut the door.

"Finally, the damn week is over."

"Ezra. We've looked through your phone. Delete TikTok, Instagram and Snapchat. You're on your phone too much. You're destroying your life, wasting away on endless videos and posts. We've seen your posts too. So immature."

"Fine, goddamn."

"You haven't deleted the apps, have you? And now you have dark circles under your eyes. Stop staying up late and watching this garbage. This isn't healthy. We're doing this for your well being."


"Hey, Ezra. Wanna go for a walk? It's sunny outside!"


"Ezra? I know you're in there. Come on, let's go."


"Ezra. Don't make me go in there. Get up and have some breakfast."


"Ezra, get out!" Ezra's dad opened the door.

Ezra was wearing headphones and listening to his phone, eyes glazed over. Watching and scrolling… watching and scrolling… watching and scrolling…

submitted by /u/thatvintagegirl
